MacKillop House


Saint Mary MacKillop

Mary MacKillop (the Australian people’s saint) had numerous fine and desirable qualities and characteristics; strong willed, determined, honest, generous, caring, very holy, courageous, and a person of integrity. Her patronage is Catholic Colleges.


Dragon – The Eastern Dragon is a symbol of power, goodness, benevolence, and astuteness.

The Eastern Dragon has long been associated with power and intelligence. Eastern Dragons have been thought to make the heart beat stronger instilling a fire within, enabling you to stand taller both physically and spiritually.


Courage, Determination and Integrity – The motto highlights the qualities and characteristics that all who are attached to MacKillop House find most desirable and aspire to display.


‘We must teach more by example than by word.’


Most loving God we thank you for the example of Saint Mary MacKillop,
who in her living of the Gospel witnessed to the human dignity of each person.

She faced life’s challenges with faith and courage.

We pray through her intercession for our needs.

We make this prayer through Jesus the Lord.
