Pastoral Care and Wellbeing at Emmanuel
At Emmanuel Catholic College, Pastoral Care is a whole school approach that nurtures the social, academic, and spiritual development of the whole person to help them become the best version of themselves.
Our Pastoral Care Vision is to create an environment which is reflective of the College Values. We want our students form meaningful and respectful relationships with staff and students and actively model Christ in the way they treat others.
We want our students to be happy, resilient, and self-confident individuals. We seek to empower students to be help seeking and proactive learners both academically and for their own wellbeing.
We wish to provide opportunities for our students to become men and women of service to others and create strong connections within the Emmanuel community that enable all to flourish.
As part of the Pastoral Care program, we have a range of guest speakers and programs to help our support our students. Our aim is to upskill students with meaningful learning experiences and provide them with relevant support across a variety of topics.
Throughout Years 7-12 students explore a range of age-appropriate topics from building resilience, Keeping Safe Curriculum, procrastination and study skills, drug and alcohol awareness, online safety and developing healthy relationships.
As part of our students social and emotional development we have partnered up with Open Parachute, a student wellbeing program sponsored by the [Guy] Sebastian Foundation. The aim of Open Parachute is to proactive development of students social and emotional skills to prevent issues from escalating. The program helps upskill parents, students and teachers on topics including consent, resilience, self-esteem, relationships, and addiction.
Emmanuel Catholic College also provides qualified Counsellors who work closely with the Heads of Year, Head of Wellbeing, Learning Excellence, and other staff to promote mental health and wellbeing. Our Counsellors adhere to guidelines and counselling protocols under the guidance of the College Principal, Deputy of Pastoral Care, and where appropriate, external support agencies. Parents can seek counselling referrals for their child through the relevant Head of Year.