Medieval Feast Day

It was a cold, wet, and windy Medieval Feast Day this year, but that didn’t stop the Year 8 students from participating in a whole day of medieval fun on Monday 30 November. Students experienced different aspects of medieval life including a Medieval faire, games of strength and agility, sword fighting and weaving.

We began the morning with a faire based on Medieval Europe with students running their own stalls. We had bow and arrow competitions, tests of strength, fortune telling, guessing games and even some horses!

After recess, students participated in The Battle of Kingdoms where each Kingdom (Humanities class) participated in sports of agility and strength, in the form of: Leaderball, Tug of War, Shield Relay and Capture the Flag. It was a hard-fought battle, which was won in the end, by The Kingdom of McGough.

To end the day, students were able to watch a presentation by the re-enactment group, Circle of The Sword. The group talked about weapons and armour of knights, as well as demonstrating sword fighting techniques. Students were also given an opportunity to hold and wear some arms and armour, with the general consensus being that they are much heavier than they look!

Overall, it was a fun and informative day that completed our look at Medieval Europe for this Term.

A special thanks must go to the Year 8 Humanities teachers who put in so much effort enabling the day to run as smoothly as it did. A very special thanks also, to all of the Year 8 students, for participating so enthusiastically throughout the day.

Mr Alex Boyer
Humanities and Social Science Teacher