I was a little apprehensive about the thought of going to Camp after only being at the College for a short time, but when I started at Emmanuel, I wanted to make the most of what the school had to offer. I wanted to go to camp with a positive mind set and have fun! To say we had a great time doesn’t really cut it. We made memories that will last a lifetime and I’m grateful to all the staff that made our Year 7 Camp such a memorable one.
We set off on Monday 20 February – with buses loaded and new friends to make, we headed to Forrest Edge Recreation Camp in Waroona. Each day would begin with a shower, breakfast and more importantly a game of Cricket! We would then move on with our group activities, rotating through until dinner time. Activities such as the Flying Fox, abseiling, billy cart races, target shooting, and night bushwalks were just a few of the fun experiences we filled our days with.

There were many things I enjoyed at camp. My favourite activities were abseiling, raft building, the many games of cricket and I can’t forget about serving dessert in the kitchen with my mates.
Along with all the fun activities, Camp also pushed me outside my comfort zone. I’m not a fan of heights, so abseiling and the pamper pole proved to be quite challenging for me. With the help and support from my friends and teachers I was able to overcome my fear of heights, giving both activities a go, and I loved them! I found being away from home for the first night a bit daunting, but it got easier as Camp went on.
Year 7 Camp taught me the importance of resilience, perseverance, and teamwork. I’m glad I gave the activities that made me feel uncertain a go, as I proved to myself that I can overcome challenges. It was a great experience and I’m looking forward to our next camp!
Year 7 student